Contact Me

Reiki Healing Services Remote and In-Person in Temecula, CASend me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


    Still not sure if I can be of help? Check through some frequently asked questions and then send me a message.

    Yes, I am available for an in-person mediumship reading, Reiki healing session, Turkish coffee reading, or dream interpretation. My studio is located in Temecula, CA.

    YES! I do work remotely via phone and Zoom video conferencing. Let me know your preferred way of meeting.

    YES. Payment is required before all readings and Reiki healing sessions.

    Yes. Evidential mediumship is the ability to connect with your loved one that has passed and provide “evidence” that it is your loved one I am connecting with.

    Yes. Several a month. If you are suffering from the passing of a loved one, but cannot afford a reading, please let me know. I am here to assist people that are suffering and need help. Please send me an email via my contact form (left) and tell me your circumstances or the circumstances of another that may be in need of help.

    SoCal Wine Country Medium has students, and she needs volunteers for her students to practice on! Usually a 15-20 minute time frame, on a zoom call. You can get a free reading this way! Please fill in the form on the left and put in “volunteer” in the subject line. Please provide, your first name, availability during the week, an email and phone number to be contacted.